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Delivery and Return Conditions


1. The parties have agreed that the DEVICE rented under this agreement will be delivered and returned to the TENANT on the dates specified at the end of the agreement. Except for cases with the express consent of the LESSER, no changes can be made to these dates.

2. The TENANT must sign the delivery section of the DEVICE Return and Delivery Report during the delivery of the device. Otherwise, the LESSOR may avoid delivery of the DEVICE. The TENANT has the obligation to report the damages and will be personally responsible for any damages that are not included in the return and delivery report.


3. The TENANT is obliged to sign the return section of the DEVICE Return and Delivery report to be prepared by the LESSOR during the return of the device. Otherwise, it will be deemed that the DEVICE has not been returned to the RENTER.


4. The TENANT also declares, accepts and undertakes to cover the damages recorded by the LESSOR in the DEVICE Return and Delivery report. Upon the request of the TENANT and the written approval of the LESSOR, the delivery of the DEVICE may be made by the Company Personnel, at the expense of the TENANT. In these cases, the LESSOR is obliged to inform the DEVICE type at least 1 day before the DEVICE delivery date.


5. The TENANT may also return the DEVICE through the Company Personnel, with the written approval of the LESSOR, at the expense of the TENANT.


6. If the DEVICE returned by the TENANT is determined by the LESSOR to be different from the DEVICE rented under this rental agreement, the TENANT will be obliged to pay the entire device rental fee to the LESSOR.


7. At the time of DEVICE return, the DEVICE will be checked for damage by the LESSOR and will be stated in the DEVICE Return and Delivery report. If damages are detected at the time of return; TENANT declares, accepts and undertakes to cover the repair/renovation costs required to eliminate the detected damages, the amount of which will be determined by the LESSER, limited to the maximum DEVICE price.


8. Except for cases where the LESSOR has express consent for late return, if the DEVICE is not delivered on the return date; TENANT agrees and undertakes to pay to the LESSOR a daily penalty fee of 20% of the DEVICE rental fee, limited to the maximum DEVICE rental fee.


9. If the DEVICE is delivered by the TENANT with a delay of more than 3 days from the return date or if it is not delivered at all; LESSOR will have the right to file a criminal complaint against the TENANT and demand compensation.

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